Online e-payments for school meals and other school purchases

Fri 27 Aug 2021
Outwood Academy Bydales uses a completely cashless online payment system, this means that there are no facilities within school to accept cash payments for catering facilities, trips, stationary and other adhoc items. 

Why an online cashless system? 
  • To support the Trust in becoming fully cashless, giving the following benefits: 
  • Removing the risk of students losing money 
  • Removing time spent queuing to top up funds at break times 
  • Keeping up with the digital world and people using cash less and less 
  • Monetary and officer admin time savings, enabling us to redeploy these efficiencies 

For school meals, each pupil has an account. If they are to purchase meals, drinks or snacks from the canteen you will be required to top up this account with money online. For those pupils in receipt of Free School Meals, the daily amount will be allocated automatically to your child’s account and therefore no action is required, however if you wish to allow your child to make additional purchases at breakfast or break times and, you can register and make additional payments as and when required.

The same applies for school trips, stationary and other adhoc items.

Parents and Carers of all Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 students received a personalised letter with details of how to set up their iPay account and add funds at the end of the summer term. Please ensure that you have added funds as needed for your child to access lunch. Any remaining funds from ParentPay, or cash payment, will be automatically transferred to your child’s iPay account. Students who are eligible for Free School Meals will automatically receive their lunch funds daily prior to their lunch session. 

Parents and Carers of Year 7 students who have not yet received their login information, will do so by 8 September. Year 7 students will receive lunch provided by the academy until iPay is fully in place for your child. 

Please direct queries related to iPay to and we will respond as soon as possible.