Close of Register Changes - from September 2023

Wed 19 Jul 2023
Dear Parent/Carer

We are writing to inform you of the changes to the close of school registers, in line with DFE guidance ‘Working Together to Improve Attendance’. The changes will take place from September 2023. 

The academy will close the registers at the end of Period 1 (9.25 am) and add an unauthorized absence code (U) for any student arriving after this time.  If your child arrives after the register has closed, this will result in them being marked as absent for the full morning, impacting on their overall attendance figure. 

Where the late arrival has been agreed in advance with the academy or the academy is satisfied with the reason for the delayed arrival, this code will be amended accordingly.

We will work closely with you to ensure appropriate and early support is offered where punctuality is a concern. Persistent lateness to the Academy may lead to a fixed penalty notice however. 

We appreciate your support in promoting punctuality and regular school attendance, and encouraging your child to prioritise their education.  Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the attendance team via the telephone number above. 

Yours faithfully

Seana Rice