February 2023 - Newsletter

Fri 17 Feb 2023
February 2023

Dear Parents and Carers

Spring Newsletter

As we approach half-term, I want to update you on changes that we will be introducing to the academy after half-term and to highlight some issues that continue to be a challenge for us. 

The 5 Pillars Programme
We are excited to be launching the 5 Pillars Programme after half-term.  5 Pillars is an approach to teaching that focuses on supporting students so that they know more, remember more and can do more over time.  The academy is excited to be introducing the programme to our students and look forward to seeing the benefits of this new way of working.

Changes to the School Day
Our timetables will be updated after half-term when Tutor Time moves back to its original timeslot, between Periods 2 and 3.  There will be no change to the start or end time of the school day and your child will remain in their current classes.

Parents Evening
Our second Parents/Carers’ Evening of the academic year will be held on Thursday 2 March.  This event will be held virtually using ‘School Cloud’, our online appointment booking system.  

If you have any concerns about your child’s progress or if their teacher has requested a meeting with you, please visit https://outwoodacademybydales.schoolcloud.co.uk to book your appointments.  The appointment system will open from 8.00am on Thursday 16 February  and close at 2.00pm on Thursday 2 March.  A leaflet is enclosed with further details.  

Your login details remain as they were for the last Parents/Carers’ Evening.  If you need these to be sent again please email Miss Lenaghan (d.lenaghan@bydales.outwood.com) and she will reissue the information to you.

While the vast majority of our students adhere to the Uniform Policy, we have noticed an increase in the number of students coming into the academy wearing jewellery, with hoodies beneath their blazers or wearing trainers rather than school shoes.  These are all prohibited under our Uniform Policy (which can be found on our website) and sanctions will continue to be applied to students wearing these items.

Non-Prescribed Medication
Academy staff will not give medication to a child unless it has been prescribed by a Doctor, Dentist or Nurse Practitioner and a request for the Academy to administer medication form has been completed.  

Where a prescription for paracetamol has not been prescribed but has been advised to be taken, parents/carers will be required to provide a letter from the relevant medical practitioner confirming the student has been advised to take paracetamol.  More information is available in the Supporting Students with Medical Conditions Policy on our website.

Absence from Lessons
We have a small number of students who are missing learning by taking regular absences from lessons.  Each student has an ‘absence from lessons’ record on page 173 of their planner and a note is made each time they leave class before the end of the lesson.  We would encourage you to look at your child’s planner and discuss any frequent absences with them.

Strike Action
Your support during our partial closure on 1 February was greatly appreciated.  As we explained, planning our provision when staff absence cannot be confirmed in advance is more difficult and we appreciate your understanding of short notice changes.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a restful and enjoyable half-term break and look forward to seeing the students when we return on Monday 27 February.

Yours faithfully
Seana Rice